Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Visitors A Plenty

Visitors A Plenty

When I first came to Mundri in February 2010, I lived in a small traditional Tukul, or hut. It was good, but I did not have much room for anything, especially inviting people inside my home. I enjoy hospitality and greeting people, and I’ve always tried to create a welcoming atmosphere wherever I’ve lived. So when I returned to Mundri in April, 2011 I shifted to a house a little bit bigger in size. I now have two rooms – one for sleeping and the other for hosting and cooking. Having the freedom and space to host and welcome visitors and friends has been awesome and has helped bring many of my dormant gifts to surface.

I’ve had a slew of visitors over the past few months. Last week friends and strangers made over 90 visits to my house, and this happens almost every week! Most come to greet and say hello, others come seeking medical advice, and many friend shave come to bring me gifts of thanks – pumpkins, groundnuts, guavas, and other delights. The shear amount of cups of tea drank and bread and peanut paste consumed by visitors in my house is staggering. It’s probably my biggest expenditure every week! Most nights I have between three and five people that come and eat with me, so I’ve been cooking a lot. Recently a friend has been sleeping at my house, as he has been studying late into the night for his exams. Normally he would study by candlelight at his house, but thanks to solar power he is able to study under an actual light at my house.

I’m thankful to be able to help with people’s physical needs by providing simple things like food and lights. Though I am sometimes tired by the consistent flow of visitors, and some days keep my door closed in an effort to get work done, in most cases I am incredibly encouraged by their kindness, thankfulness, and generosity. Many of these visitors are good friends of mine, and they feel very much like family to me, so in many ways I don’t have as many visitors as I do extended family members stopping by.

1 comment:

Mary Kay Hill said...

Yogger, it is almost as if i am sitting and visiting with you as i read your blog! Your spirit of ministry and hospitality are infectious. Know that the Hills love you and pray for you. Believe it or not, Jessie had her 21st birthday in September... not to make you feel old or anything!