Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Norma Jean

July 21, 2011

Dear Norma Jean (aka Mom),

Thank you.

The list of things in which I should thank you for are too numerous to count, and vary from small to great, deep and wide.

Here are just a few:

You always had time for us (me and my four siblings). Even when you worked night shift at the hospital, you came home and loved us well. You never seemed too tired for us or for our many needs.

You always welcomed people, at any time of the day, as you loved having visitors and hosting. You always managed to make amazing meals from whatever was available in the cupboard, and the food never seemed to end. I’m still not sure how you survive on so little sleep, but something within you wants to be ‘where the people are’. I think I’ve inherited your love for sweets, especially chocolate, and I’m grateful you always seem to have a brownie box mix stashed away somewhere that is gladly brought out on any requests, whatever the occasion.

You managed a way to drop me off and pick me up from practices and meets, and you never seemed to complain about how often I needed to be somewhere! I’m still amazed you managed to attend all my track meets, cross country races, school musicals, band performances, and uncountable other activities when I was in junior high and high school (I was involved in everything!). Even when no one else from our family came, I knew you would always be there. And you were.

I know you were not able to play sports in school, as your school did not have girl’s sports. But you always cheered me on. I know you were the fastest one in your class and very athletic, and I’m thankful I got some of those genes, though I don’t think I will ever bowl a 300 like you! I remember when you cried when we won the state championship, and I know you traveled all over the state to watch every race that season. You stood in heat, rain, hail, and snow to cheer me on. I’ll always remember that.

You instilled within me a love for gardening, and color, and beauty. You know how to dance and are not afraid to have some fun.

I remember you trying to tame down my ‘creativity’ projects for school, as I always seemed to have big ideas with the desired outcome in mind, but the process not quite worked out most of the time (this is still the case!)- but you let me carry on and learn from my endeavors. As a child you let me wander for endless hours, uninterrupted, in the woods by our house and down by the stream, and I think that freedom instilled in me a life-long love for walking and nature.

I know you did not want me to go far away for college, or graduate school, or for work, or even now, but the adventurer in me often won out. I know it’s hard for you that I am thousands of miles away from you and the rest of our family, but I thank you for supporting me wherever I am, in whatever I have done.

Thank you for loving people well. The amount of energy and time you exert loving your nine grandchildren in astounding! You’ve probably watched Little Mermaid over 100 times, yet you are always happy to watch it again with those kids! I think that is why you are an amazing nurse – because you deeply care for your patients, and that is why your patients love you. I have never heard you yell, not even once, at anybody for any reason. I’m sure there were some times when you could have yelled at me, but you didn’t. Though you did not always agree with me, or I with you, you let me express my opinion and you listened well.

I like that you call me ‘Scotty Boy’, and I can call you Norma Jean. I’m thankful that you are excited when I call, and you cry when I leave. I’m thankful for all the stories you’ve told, especially when your siblings are around. I could not imagine life without the Keller family, as you have all displayed great love and support for each other. I hope that love and unity never ends, even as people come and go.

I’ve played countless games of pinochle with you, and travelled all over with you. I wish I could have been and can be there for you when you need me, but I know a sacrifice of being so far away is that I cannot always be there. I hope you know I think of you all the time.

I do hope you see the joy in each day and continue to see the joy in each person. I know death is hard for you, and you have a lot of questions for God, and that’s ok. But I hope you can see God in the midst of all the hard things in life. I hope you know how much he loves you, how much he desires to be with you, how much he cares for you. My love for you is great, but it is only a mere glimpse of the abundant love that God has for you.

I hope you know that all that I am, all that I have become, all that I have accomplished or ever will accomplish is partly because of your influence on me. In many ways, I am my mother’s son.

I love you.

Happy Birthday, Norma Jean!

-Scotty Boy

1 comment:

DrsMyhre said...

REading with interest and thankfulness. If I'm a little like Norma Jean, will my kids turn out a little like Scott Will, adventuresome, loyal, kind, fun, energetic, and full of faith? Let's pray so! Great tribute to your mom. Hope we meet her someday . .