Thursday, April 8, 2010

Children Of Sudan

Children, the future and hope of many, the offspring of one's physical self. So much love and dedication poured into them, at least for some, while others experience anger, malice, and misfortune. Children, so very optimistic, loving, and kind. A wealth of information in a little body and mind, smiles that engage and laughter that enlivens. Language barriers easily broken, as playmates engage, ever eager to dance, run, and bound.

Movement, dance, rhythm, and joy.
Songs of hope, claps of a prosperous future.
A group of many, solemn in color, but composed of individual selves; unknown yet unique.
A happy 2010.

Beautiful faces, endearing, engaging, and full of love.
Studying with dreams of a brighter future after a broken past.
Water, the essence of life carried by the future.
No matter the size, various water carrying jugs can accommodate.
Community of the young.
Bothers, friends, peering into your soul trying to discover their own.
Health, safety, love, and joy.
Eagerness and anticipation
Style starts at a young age.

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